Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Construction Day 003 / Elevation Views

By the end of the second day (January 27) of piling setting, a total of 15 pilings had been set. These are 22 ft long and are set a minimum of 12 ft below grade.

The surveyor returned to mark the 12 ft above mean sea level (AMSL) elevation on the existing power pole (flagged railroad spike near the base of the pole). This represents the minimum allowable first floor elevation (FFE) for the site. Our FFE will be 16.48 ft AMSL.

Some of you have been asking about the house plans so I'll try to post the elevation views here. The front elevation faces Pages Creek. Click on any image our blog posts to enlarge it (be sure your browser is not set to reduce any images to fit the screen for best viewing).

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